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Read about the Six Laws of Plant Growth for Food Production
Nature is amazing and performs some miraculous tricks. When it comes to reproduction, things can get strange in a hurry. Hybridization between ducks and chickens, while biologically...
Living on a farm or out in the country can be a great lifestyle choice. If you are thinking about adding animals to your farm, make sure you are doing all of the research you can. If you are looking...
Many people have a knee jerk hostile reaction to finding a spider anywhere on their property, even gardeners. But the fact is that the benefits of garden spiders far outweigh the potential...
Are you a beginner gardener trying to save money by growing cucumbers in a grow bag, but do not know how to grow them? Or you may be an expert trying something new to see if it works. Well, you may...
If you have a small homestead, chances are you’ve considered keeping multiple species of livestock together in the same paddock. Two types of livestock that are frequently kept together on farms...
When you have chickens, you are trying to raise, you already know they are amazingly capable of getting into things they should get into...and eating things they shouldn’t eat. Most chicken owners...